Seminar on Career Counseling in Bhakkar

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A memorable Career Planer seminar was held in Bhakkar on 31-03-2018 for students, all over the bhakkar.

The Eduvision arranged a most important seminar regarding for right selection of future path. In this seminar our main aim is to guide the students about choosing right career. The CEO eduvision Mr. Yousaf Almas to inject the spirit of choosing a right way for better future in the students by their spiritual lecture. The ambition of the eduvision is much broad for the betterment of Pakistan’s future, eduvision wants to upraise to the youth of Pakistan via to shine their minds and more creative.

At the end of this seminar, assessment of participant’s outcomes was much motivated towards the right selection for their successful life and 74% audience were satisfied from this guidance seminar. Also after attending this fruitful seminar the audience feel the lack of educational counceling in our society collectively.