Career Counseling Session at Research Center of Dr. Kashif Sheikh, Islamabad. 28-08-18 with some selected students of the research center
A memorable Career Counseling Session was held at Research Center of Dr. Kashif Sheikh on 28-08-2018 at Research Level for the selected students of Research Center.
In This Counseling Session many Important Aspects of Life Were Put Forth By the Counselor Yousaf Almas CEO Eduvision and How To Cope with Them. Counseling is the Fundamental Element in the successful development of any society, community, country, state or either just oneself. Without proper guidance, aim and target we are nothing in this life. We will be just as good as the animals living life without any purpose and goal. These are all the certain issues which are determined by the counselor of Eduvision Career Counseling Organization Pakistan.
The Sole Aim Of CEO Mr Yousaf Almas to Set Up This Session is to Generate the Sense of importance of career counseling in life. Mr Yousaf Almas Provided All the Knowledge Regarding Counseling to the Students. Mr Yousaf Almas Described in the session that one counselor is equal to one tree which in the result ended up benefiting many others.
In the End of this wonderful counseling session all the students are provide with the Counseling material and guides by the Career Counseling Organization Eduvision Publications.
Career Planning
- Our Career Planning Program
- About the Counselor
- Seminar Introduction
- For Matric Students
- For Inter Studetns
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- Seminar Topics
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