Eduvision have planned a career planning seminar, which held in Wah cantt at Comsats University on 05-04-2018 for University students to seek out their future path.
Mr Yousaf Almas has guided students about selecting their better future ahead step by step. This seminar was divided into many parts from start till the end. Firstly Mr Yousaf Almas explains to the students that how they can determine and realize their hidden potentials and capabilities. Than how they can choose the right career path according to their aptitude, it is must for the students to compare their capabilities and aptitude with the future career path they are going to choose.
Mr Yousal Almas Also guided students about the basic rules/regulations & necessities of life apart from the career counseling that how they can have on their best behavior in their domestic and normal life that how they can have the utmost supreme control over their body and mind. Mr Almas guided to the students that it is very important to have control over yourself to cope with community and society where they live in, so that they can be part of betterment of the welfare of this country. This lecture is for the students to help them how they can be more efficient and smart thinker and worker in life ahead.
The eduvision have given an opportunity to the students of Comsat Wah Cantt to dig out their future by this valuable future inspirational and motivational seminar. 400 Students joined this seminar. They were much inspired from the speech of Mr. Yousaf Almas CEO eduvision to giving a chance to enhance their abilities of thinking of minds towards their bright future. So you can give a better shape to your thoughts and ideas by the eduvision.
The assessment results were showed their inspiration and guidance level which was much higher than before this seminar regarding their future perspectives. Also they were shows their gratitude toward the vision of Eduvision.
The participant's feedback confirmed that objectives of the seminar were achieved as about 88% of the participants mentioned that they have now gained comprehensive guidance to plan their future.
Questions & Answer session
In this session the students of different fields asked questions while the councilors gave them answers & satisfy the students regarding their concerns about career planning.
Career Guide (Short Version)
Career planning guides were distributed to all participants at the end of seminar.
Career Planning
- Our Career Planning Program
- About the Counselor
- Seminar Introduction
- For Matric Students
- For Inter Studetns
- For University Students
- Seminar Topics
- Seminar Details
- Recent Seminars