Seminar on Career Counseling in Gujranwala

Looking for a Career Counselor in Gujranwala

Book your appointment for online Career Counseling Session with Pakistan's Best Career Counselor Mr. Yousuf Alms. Discuss your Career, education, admission related all concerns. Call Now at 0333-5766716

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Eduvision organized a career planning seminar at Government Islamia College, Gujranwala on 13-09-2008 for the students to help them plan their career path.

This seminar was addressed by Sir Yousuf Almas in which he talked about the importance of career counseling and the negative effects a student and the society face due to lack of career counseling. He particularly focused on the role of parents and teachers in the career decision of the student. Sir explained the steps of the career planning process to the students so that they can plan their own careers successfully. He answered each and every question of the students and teachers so that no further confusion is left behind in their minds.

This career counseling seminar left long-lasting impact on the participants which was evident from their incredible feedback.