Opening Session
Seminar was started with the recitation of Holy Qur’an. After the recitation of the Holy Qura'n, Program Manager Eduvision, Mr. Sohaib Ahmad Khan presented a brief introduction of eduvision and its career planning program.
Career planning session
Mr Yousuf Almas, CEO Eduvision, in his speech, presented a brief introduction of career planning, its needs and impacts of improper career planning on an individuals' life and on society.
After the basic introduction, Mr. Almas guided the students on how to select a suitable field of study. He thoroughly described all the steps necessary to plan a career effectively, with visual support. His interactive session and lively way of conducting the session kept the students engaged and motivated.
The seminar was a great success as the students participated very actively; their interest level was high both in the sessions and in question answer sessions. Students, not only listened to the speakers very attentively, but also asked number questions related to their educational and future planning.
Mr Yousuf Almas also thanked the college administration and FG Directorate for providing excellent coordination and support for conducting all the activities.
Questions & Answer session
At the end of the session, questions of the students related to different fields, admissions, and universities were answered.
Career Guide (Short Version)
At the end career planning seminar career planning guides were distributed to all participants.
At the end of the session, students provided their written feedback which was highly encouraging. Most of the students suggested conducting the seminar annually in their college for intermediate and bachelor level students.