No. PEC: 818. In pursuance of Assessment Policy Framework (APF)-2019, PEC commission approval vide its 29th meeting held on April 27, 2023 and in line with the Letter No. 749 dated August 10, 2023, issued by Punjab Examination Commission, Govt. of Punjab, the following schedule is hereby notified in order to conduct First Term School Based Assessment (SBA) for Grade 3 to 8 by the District Education Authorities.
First Term SBA for Grade 3 -8 Schedule 2023
- Uploading of Item Bank For 1st Term Development of Papers by Schools through IBS: 14th September 2023 Up to 17th September 2023
- Conduct of 1 Term/Marking and Preparation of Report Cards: 18 September-28th September 2023 30
- Sharing of Result/Report Cards: September 2023
The date sheet for 1st term will be issued by the Head Teacher of the school. IL All the question papers except English and Urdu will be provided bilingually and schools are given provision to generate other subject papers either in English/Urdu or III. Every school will generate question papers by logging into the Item Bank System bilingually.
(IBS) with a QR code showing complete information about the school with an EMIS code (which can be scanned through any QR Code Scanning App). The system-generated paper for each subject will be one page with a QR code. V. Marking will be done as per standardized keys and rubrics generated with the papers in IBS.
The CEO-DEAS is requested to take necessary measures to ensure that schools utilize IBS with their own login. This will also be checked during the conduct of the First Term by monitoring teams.