The Punjab government has formulated a policy to hire school teacher interns in government schools. A total of 12,500 STIs will be hired across Punjab. However, STIs will not be assigned to run afternoon schools or handle administrative duties. The higher education department of the Government of Punjab has already hired College Teaching Interns (CTIs) in Public Colleges. School teaching interns will be hired according to the same pattern.
A monthly stipend of Rs. 38,000 to Rs. 45,000 will be given. The recruitment process will start soon. The Punjab Government has issued a policy for hiring school teacher interns. According to the policy, temporary teachers will be employed. These teachers shall be called school teacher interns. School teacher internees shall continue to serve till permanent recruitment on vacant seats of teachers in government schools.
School Teacher Interns will be given a monthly stipend of Rs. 38,000 to Rs. 45,000 from primary to higher secondary. Candidates are required to be local, while merit will be based on the candidate's academic ability. There will be only five marks for interviews.
STI Eligibility Crtieria
Candidates must have both a master's degree and a professional teaching degree. For primary school jobs, candidates need at least a bachelor's degree along with a professional teaching degree. School Teacher Interns (STIs) cannot be transferred to another school or given a permanent job.
Interns will receive a certificate after completing their internship. Hiring will be done with the approval of the Deputy DEO, AEO, School Head, and School Council.
STI Monthly Stipend
Interns in primary schools will get a monthly stipend of Rs. 38,000, those in middle schools will receive Rs. 40,000, and interns in high and higher secondary schools will be paid Rs. 45,000 per month.
The merit list for hiring will be displayed at the Deputy DEO office, on an online portal, and school notice boards. A special portal will be created for candidates to apply in their respective districts.