Getting into the desired university is always the most wanted thing for a college graduate. After you've completed your intermediate, it's time for you to get yourself enrolled in a Best ranking university. The program and institute selection are life changing decisions of a student so proper planning and strategy is required to apply for a degree program. You must follow these simple steps to plan your admission and make this decision a worthy one.
1.Search closely related Best Degree programs
Search for a degree program you want to study. Search for the synonyms or similarly related degree programs. You obviously know quite well about your disciplines in intermediate and your aptitude and taste according to them. So search for the closely related degree programs that match your high school qualification and also search for similar programs offered by various universities.
2.Select the best universities offering the program
After you've finalised the type of program you want your graduation in, look up for all the universities around you which is offering that program. Do look for ranking of a university but firstly search universities that offer your desired program. It will help you collecting information about all the nearby institutes and you'll know about their previous merits as well. Among the universities you search, shortlist 5 universities in which you think your chances of admission are strong depending on your marks versus their previous merits. This will help you gain confidence and think clearly about your next step. Apply in minimum 8 universities. You can never be sure about a particular institute whether you'll get in or not especially if your marks lie in between 70-80% because competition has grown to a fierce level. So always keep your side safe and apply in many universities.
3.Don’t Change Your Subject for a top Rank University
Do not compromise on your first 2 choices of a university. Don't run behind the ranking of a university. If you cannot make yourself into the top ranking university then you can select the 2nd or 3rd best university in the town but focus on the subject you selected. Don't change the subject and don't get admission in an undesired degree program in the top ranked university only because of it's ranking. If you cannot make into for your graduation then you can apply there for masters so it's not that much serious thing.
4.Update and details
Stay updated about the universities you applied in. Keep checking their websites for the merit lists or any entry test because many institutes take their own entry tests. Prepare well for that. Staying updated is very necessary so that you don't miss any details like merit lists and fee structures or recommendation letters.
These above mentioned steps are actually a way to take such important decisions of life and not wasting your life into something undesired. Work hard study well and give your best!