Board Result Stats of Al Razi Public School And College Kanju, SWAT - Eduvision Ranking
Al Razi Public School and College Kanju, SWAT
#6 in BISE, Swat medium Category
#6 in Swat medium Category
Al Razi Public School and College Kanju, SWAT Inter Results 2018
A total of 57 students appeared in Inter Annual Examinations 2018 conducted by BISE, Swat
57 students passed the examinations. Institutions pass percentage is 100.00
7 - A+ Grades :: 18 - A Grades
24 - B Grades :: 8 - C Grades
0 - D Grades :: 0 - E Grades
- FBISE, Islamabad
- BISE, Lahore
- BISE, Rawalpindi
- BISE, Faisalabad
- BISE, Multan
- BISE, Sargodha
- BISE, Gujranwala
- BISE, Bahawalpur
- BISE, DG Khan
- BISE, Sahiwal