Karwan e ilm foundataion

Awarding Scholarships

The core objective of the KIF is to provide financial assistance to poor and deserving but talented youths so that they could undertake their higher studies bit conveniently.

In pursuit of its motto, Save and Promote Talent of Pakistan, the KIF has devised organized and comprehensive mechanisms under which deserving students of any colour, creed, race and gender, get scholarship on the basis of their requirements and their competence and capabilities.

The mechanism of disbursing stipends has been made so transparent and dignified that students get necessary financial support even without getting their self-respect hurt at any stage and at any moment. Stipends are sanctioned purely on merit and nepotism or liking and disliking is never taken into account whatsoever case may be. However, orphan and disabled students are given preference in disbursement of stipends for obvious reasons.

The stipends are generally not of a fixed amount, rather every deserving students application for grant of scholarship is individually evaluated and money is released only in accordance with students academic requirements and needs including tuition fee, boarding and lodging charges and transport fare etc.

The KIF has also devised an exchange of information mechanism under which it gets every applicants particulars verified and scholarships are issued only after taking on board the heads of their institutions, departments or directors of students affairs.

The KIF has also put in place an effective system to swap particulars of the recipients of its stipends with other philanthropist organizations in order to help out more number of genuinely needier students and to simultaneously check and discourage issuance of double disbursements.

Since its informal establishment in October 2002, the KIF has so far helped hundreds of students belonging to destitute families, backward areas and deprived strata of society in sailing through their academics. Every year, a large number of students are graduating from various seats of learning in disciplines of science and technology, medical, engineering, commerce, management, information technology and social sciences to contribute to development of the country.

Many of them have been able to start rewarding careers in Pakistan and abroad with a tremendous future ahead of them. These achievers are indeed the pride of the foundation.

The significance and utility of the financial aid disbursement programme could be gauged from the fact that the task undertaken by the KIF singlehandedly in 2002 was recognized and adopted by the Punjab Government in 2008 and it has also started awarding scholarships to encourage the talented youths of Pakistan.

Karwan e ilm foundataion Overview

Levels: All Levels

Fields: All Fields

Merit & Need Based
All Pakistan