A student must have completed his/her education from fully accredited institutions recognized by Accrediting Association of USA or by the State Department of Education. The education qualification obtained through Institutions that are not accredited by any recognized Accrediting Association of the USA or State Department of Education, USA cannot be considered for Equivalence of Qualification.
As per rules of IBCC, education qualification obtained through ‘Distance Learning Education System’/ ‘Online System of Education’/ ‘Home Study’ cannot be considered for Equivalence of Qualification.
For equivalence of Qualification, numerical marks of the students in 5 subjects from Grade 9 and 10 shall be considered for Equivalence of SSC. In order to obtain the equivalence of the Science group, the student must have studied English, Physics, Chemistry, Maths, and Biology/Computer sciences. Also, for Equivalence of HSSC/Intermediate 5 subjects (five from Grades 11 and 12) are required.
For students who have completed their schooling in Canada, 10 subjects’ marks will be considered for equivalence of both SSC and HSSC each. For Equivalence of SSC/Matric, Marks will be calculated on the basis of 10 academic required subjects (five from Grade-9 and the other five from Grade-10).
Similarly, 10 academics required subjects (five from Grade-11 and the other five from Grade-12) for equivalence of HSSC.
Additionally, 15% of the marks of students are deducted for equivalence of USA and Canadian Qualification because of their internal marking system. This is because the examination system in Pakistan is external, i.e. external evaluators/Boards conduct exams and mark the papers of the student, whereas, in USA and Canadian Education systems, an internal marking system is used.
In case of the USA, three Science separate subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Biology with complete one-year credits as a separate subject for the Pre-Medical Group and Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematics with complete one-year credits as a separate subject for the Pre-Engineering Group must be passed at High School level (Grades 9 thru 12) for issuance Equivalence Certificate.
In case of Canada, Science (Physics, Chemistry & Biology) and Mathematics at both Grades 9 & 10 and three science separate subjects i.e. Physics, Chemistry and Biology/ Mathematics must be passed in both Grades 11 and as well Grade 12 (each year) for issuance of Equivalence Certificate of Pre-Medical/Pre-Engineering Group respectively.
Consider a student has obtained the following scores in his/her 9-10 grades:
Now Total Marks are: 942/1000 = 94.2% = 1036/1100
15% of 1036 is 155 so Equivalent Marks are 1036-155 = 881/1100 = 80%